Sunday, December 27, 2020

The Challenges of Winter Flying (to be continued!)

We had a very unusual fall/winter this year in North Pole! First we had freezing rain just after it got cold - that was in early October, and the ice coated the roads and my wings. Then we got 20 inches of heavy snow in 2 days, then it got cold! Snow and ice stuck everywhere on the plane, including the wing covers. They seemed welded to the wings and one wants to be gentle since too vigorous forcing of the wing covers can be hard on paint and fabric!

Of course, with the early heavy snow, no chance to install the skis, so the airplane now sat in a 20 inch deep hole on wheels. With the help of Barbara, we were able to clear the area around the tires, waiting for a moment of relative warmth to move the plane to a friend's hanger nearby so skis can be put on and all the flying surfaces can be melted clear of ice. Our moment came on the Christmas Eve when the temperature briefly got into the mid-20's. I hitched the 4-wheeler up to the landing gear and pulled the plane over to the hanger.

Next week: Curt will bring the skis and we will wheel the plane into the hanger to deice!

Then! The last flight of the old year - newly on skis - my favorite time and mode of flying!

Lots of Snow!

Wings cleared of snow!

Wheels are free of snow but they're stuck to the ground!

Finally, the airplane is moved to the vicinity of the hanger!

1 comment:

  1. Yearning for a hanger. Did the Tern ever get into one? Meanwhile the drought here in Arizona persists.
