Tuesday, April 21, 2020

My New, Rebuilt Engine Has Arrived!!

My newly rebuilt O-320 Lycoming Engine has arrived in North Pole at Curt's hanger and is in the process of being installed. This is a very thrilling moment for me! Our weather has been terrible all winter and worse this spring, so ski flying would not have been an option this winter. I will be back in the ari soon - just in time for wheels on the ice and the Hodzana! Thank you Curt! And thank you Custom Aircraft of Wasilla!


  1. That engine looks beautiful. Pre-rebuilt it took Peter and me way up to a glimpse of the Brooks Range years ago. Wonderful flight with my old buddy. I don't think I gave any thought to the possibility of an engine failure or any other peril. I look forward to more adventures from Peter, as seen from here in my armchair in the lower 48!
