Monday, August 15, 2022

Late Summer Flight to the Upper Yukon Valley

Thursday August 11th was a perfect day for flying. Left out of Peterson/Newby at 8:00 sharp and flew North,heading straight for Mt. Schwatka at the North end of the Whites, from there past Twin Lakes, the lower mouth of the Beaver Creek which for some reason is running green water, not clear as is usual and then onward to check my favorite landing spot on the Yukon. That bar had been considerably reduced in size and elevation over the past two summers of sustained high water levels in the Yukon, but just enough smooth and polished dry bar was present to allow a landing. From there I explored up the Hodzana, checking all my favorite bars and was happy to find two that were still landable.

On the return trip, I flew to Victoria Mountain, and followed the Beaver Creek up to the Promontory Rock, right at the edge of the creek, where a mature ram would often stand on the highest point back in the early 80's when I flew this route monthly to Ft. Yukon to support the Ft. Yukon Clinic. Landed with 5.5 hours on the tach.