Saturday, April 29, 2017

A C46 lands at Wien Lake

Wien Lake in April - perfect ice for ski flying. A well prepared runway on the ice, cleared of snow is the scene of a C46 aircraft cargo flight to supply cabins for summer projects:

I arrived 10 minutes late to witness the landing but my plane is seen in this final photo checking the runway before landing. 

Sunday, April 23, 2017

Three years later: A return to the Ray Mountains

It's April. Our snow is melting but at a measured pace due to the chill at night. On Saturday, the 22 of April I was able to make one last flight on skis, heading North to Round Lake, previously featured in a post from three years ago ( There was much more snow depth this time, and only a portion of the lake at the South end was blown clear of snow. The cabin still stands, its door propped open in hopes that "critters" would use the door this time instead of making their own door through the wall.

My airplane in its new paint appears beautifully splendid in this backdrop. Also, with this trip was my first chance to use of my ski brakes on glare ice. On careful inspection one might note the extra snow on top of the skis and the tell tale trail of the linear marks on the ice made by the brakes. They functioned well.

The initial photos show the incredible beauty of the Ramparts of the Yukon River with its curvaceous sweep and bright white channel. The curving tangles of the Hess Creek country come next, followed by the Ray Mountains and Mt. Tozi - the highest point in the range at 5519 feet.

Sithylemenkat Lake, beautiful as always, remains shrouded in mystery with its methane gas bubbles and small patches of open water. The frozen patterns in the ice are more lacy this time with fewer large bubbles.