Monday, June 27, 2016

Out to Wien Lake on Wheels!

No comments needed here - just pure freedom and joy! Landing on the icy slush of a frozen lake on wheels!

Flying up to the Whites

On this trip, just before breakup, I flew to the edge of the Yukon Flats, following Beaver Creek and over the White Mountains, admiring some very special landmarks along the way: Gollogly's Point, where the Beaver Creek turns from West to North, Mount Adams (the native name - also known on maps as Mt. Schwatka) and checking from afar the Golden Eagles that nest in the rocks nearby.
This was a perfect day.

Back to the Yukon! Back to the stillness and peace!

There’s a land where the mountains are nameless, 
   And the rivers all run God knows where; 
There are lives that are erring and aimless, 
   And deaths that just hang by a hair; 
There are hardships that nobody reckons; 
   There are valleys unpeopled and still; 
There’s a landoh, it beckons and beckons, 
   And I want to go backand I will. 
Robert Service

"It’s the beauty that thrills me with wonder, 
   It’s the stillness that fills me with peace."

Here is the Yukon River just after breakup.
Those who have flown to the Upper Yukon/Yukon Flats area will recognize several important landmarks visible on this beautiful and perfect flying day:
Victoria Mountain and Victoria Creek, and Lone Mountain - both key to navigation both on the service and in the air.